These Purchasing Terms ("Terms") describes how and our affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively "", "they", "we", "our" or "us") uses and otherwise process the personal information we collect about our customers, purchasers, subscribers, and/or users (each a "Account Holder") of our websites, applications, games, and other online services (collectively, our "Services").
If you continue to add your debit card/credit card and initiate purchases of any kind, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and policies of use which, together with our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, govern our relationship with you in relation to this website. If you disagree with any part of these terms and policies, please do not add your debit card/credit card or initiate purchases of any kind on any of our Services.
The terms "I", "You", "Your", "Me" or "My" refers to the Account Holder of an account on any of our Services.
The term "Card(s)" refers to the debit card(s) and/or credit card(s) used by the Account Holder.
For information about our Terms of Service, click here.
For information about our Privacy Policy, click here.
For information about our Refund Policy, click here.
For information about our Disclaimers, click here.
For information about our Anti-Spam Policy, click here.
By using our websites, applications, games, and other online services (collectively, our "Services"), you understand, acknowledge, and accept the following Disclaimers.
By adding My Card, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree with the following:
• Payments I make for Services owned or offered by will show up as being made to "", "", "", or any variation of the company name:
• Charges on my bank statement or Card will appear as going to "", "", "", or any variation of the company name:
• I understand that the website found at has a "Wallet" feature. Using a payment processor to store My Card, I can add to My Wallet Balance which can then be used to purchase digital goods, digital items, or digital services on Services owned or operated by
• I understand that I am adding My Card information to the payment processor for NOT with itself.
• DOES NOT own or maintain this payment processor. It is a tool they use to process purchases that I initiate using My Card.
• IS NOT responsible for the maintenance or support of this payment processor. They can only use it as a tool to monitor purchases that I initiate.
• Neither the site owners nor any employee or team member of will be able to access My Card number or any confidential Card information. Any and all Card information is stored on the payment processor, NOT on any Service owned or operated by, NOR with itself.
• Neither the site owners nor any employee or team member of will be able to use My Card to make purchases on my behalf. I am the only person who can make purchases with my Card on Services owned or operated by
• I am the ONLY person able to initiate purchases on any Service owned or operated by
• Purchases are initiated by Me through My Account. I agree that I will not share My Account login details such as my password with other individuals.
• I acknowledge that team members, employees, or site owners WILL NEVER ask me for the password of My Account on any Services owned or operated by
• The payment processor I am entering My information into IS NOT able to make purchases on My behalf, it only processes orders I initiate.
• I acknowledge that the owners of Services, as well as employees, team members, the Wallet feature, or owners of itself are NOT able to use the payment processor or my debit or credit card information to make or initiate purchases on my behalf.
• I acknowledge that or any Service owned or operated by is incapable of making or initiating automatic purchases on My Account. I am the only person who can initiate orders, purchases, or subscriptions.
• I agree that I will immediately contact support at for any issues regarding purchases on any Service owned or operated by
• I agree that that I will immediately contact support at for any issues regarding adding My Card on
• I agree that sometimes orders or purchases that I initiate can take up to 24 hours to process.
• I agree that I will immediately contact support at should I not find or do not believe I received what I purchased in a timely manner.
• I agree that I am knowingly and willingly adding My Card to the payment processor for
I have thoroughly read and understand the terms outlined above. By adding My Card, I agree to said Terms.
By making a One-Time Purchase, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree with the following:
• Payments I make for Services owned or offered by will show up as being made to "", "", "", or any variation of the company name:
• Charges on my bank statement or Card will appear as going to "", "", "", or any variation of the company name:
• I understand that the website found at has a "Wallet" feature. Using a payment processor to store My Card, I can add to My Wallet Balance which can then be used to purchase digital goods, digital items, or digital services on Services owned or operated by
• I understand that I am making a One-Time purchase. I am NOT setting up a Subscription or a recurring payment.
• I understand that I am only being billed one time per item.
• I understand that if I purchase two or more of the same items, that this is NOT a recurring payment.
• I understand that if I double click a purchase button or submit payment button or otherwise repeatedly click a purchase button or submit payment button, I will be billed accordingly.
• I acknowledge that sometimes receiving My purchase can take up to 24 hours to process.
• I understand it’s best to wait 24 hours or contact support at rather than assume I haven’t received it and attempt to the make the same purchase again or keep clicking the purchase button or submit button.
• I agree that I will immediately contact support at should I not find or do not believe I received My purchase in a timely manner.
• I acknowledge that is my duty to keep track of my purchases on Services owned or operated by
• I agree that Services owned or operated by can NOT automatically initiate a purchase for Me. I, the account holder, am the only one capable of initiating a purchase.
• I agree that the payment processor for can NOT automatically initiate a purchase for Me. I, the account holder, am the only one capable of initiating a purchase.
• I acknowledge that the owners of Services, as well as employees, team members, the Wallet feature, or owners of itself can NOT initiate a purchase for me. I, the account holder, am the only one capable of initiating a purchase.
I have thoroughly read and understand the terms outlined above. By making a purchase, I agree to said Terms.
By purchasing a Subscription, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree with the following:
• Payments I make for Services owned or offered by will show up as being made to "", "", "", or any variation of the company name:
• Charges on my bank statement or Card will appear as going to "", "", "", or any variation of the company name:
• I understand that the website found at has a "Wallet" feature. Using a payment processor to store My Card, I can add to My Wallet Balance which can then be used to purchase digital goods, digital items, or digital services on Services owned or operated by
• I understand that I am setting up a Subscription or a recurring payment. I am NOT making a one-time payment. I understand that this payment will recur once every billing period unless I cancel My Subscription.
• I agree that I will immediately contact support at should I not find or do not believe I received My Subscription in a timely manner.
• I understand that this Subscription will bill Me at the end of the billing period.
• If I purchase a monthly Subscription, I will be billed once a month every month until I cancel My Subscription.
• If I purchase a quarterly Subscription, I will be billed once every 3 months until I cancel My Subscription.
• If I purchase a 6 month Subscription, I will be billed once every 6 months until I cancel My Subscription.
• If I purchase an annual or one year Subscription, I will be billed once a year every year until I cancel My Subscription.
• I understand that since I am purchasing a Subscription, I will NOT need to buy another Subscription once the end of the billing approaches.
• I understand that recurring means that this Subscription automatically renews and that My Card will be charged via the payment processor unless I choose to cancel My Subscription.
• I agree that this is NOT a one-time purchase.
• I understand that I can cancel My Subscription at any time. But that the best time to cancel My Subscription is a week before the payment date, NOT the day of the payment date.
• I understand that I may still be charged should I cancel my subscription on the payment date. Therefore, I should cancel My Subscription no sooner than a week before the payment date to ensure it gets cancelled on time and I am not charged.
• I agree that I can cancel My Subscription by myself by going to the "Manage Subscriptions” page. I acknowledge that I can find this page by clicking “Account” or “My Account” or a dropdown menu with my username on it and then clicking "Manage Subscriptions” in the dropdown menu that appears.
• I acknowledge that is My duty to keep track of My Subscriptions on any Service owned or operated by
• I agree that or any Service owned or operated by can NOT automatically initiate a purchase of a Subscription for Me. I, the Account Holder, am the only one capable of initiating a purchase of a Subscription.
• I agree that the payment processor for can NOT automatically initiate a purchase of a Subscription for Me. I, the Account Holder, am the only one capable of initiating a purchase of a Subscription.
• I acknowledge that the owners of Services, as well as employees, team members, the Wallet feature, or owners of itself can NOT initiate a purchase of a Subscription for Me. I, the account holder, am the only one capable of initiating a purchase of a Subscription.
• I agree that I will immediately contact support at should I need assistance with cancelling My Subscription. That I will do so in a timely manner and not the day of the payment date.
• I agree that I will immediately contact support at should I cancel My Subscription but that by error, it has not been cancelled.
I have thoroughly read and understand the terms outlined above. By purchasing a subscription, I agree to said Terms.
Any changes made to these policies will be binding to all members. Please be advised that some terms may be revised due to changes in the industry and/or with changes in terms and policies of our payment processors. may change these Purchase Terms from time to time. If we make a change we will change it here on this page and update the last updated date at the bottom of the page. We encourage you to return to this page from time to time to check for updates and revisions.
If you have any questions about the contents of this page, or simply wish to reach us for any other reason, you may do so by using the Help Desk
You can send physical mail to:
4251 FM 2181
Suite #230-247,
Corinth, TX 76210